Faq Stretch Marks Camuflage - Fernanda Noyma
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Stretch camouflage with tattoo
Stretchink Method

Tattoo Stretch Camouflage – Stretchink Method is one of the best ways to eliminate stretch marks in a short time. In just one session, you can improve up to 80% of stretch marks. In addition, it returns and improves people’s self-esteem, not to mention that it does not take many sessions to get good results, everything will depend on the body of each client.

Our Stretchink method is known nationally and internationally, having worldwide reach, leading to the improvement of the self esteem for the clients and professionalizing people to act in the technique by the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 - What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are scars that form when there is destruction of elastic and collagen fibers in the skin, usually caused by a stretch of the skin. The lines are formed because of the decreased thickness of the dermis and the epidermis. They can scratch and burn, but they usually do not show symptoms with their onset.

They are considered a problem that affects thousands of women, and this problem can be very annoying, especially in the summer season when the body is more likely to show. However there are several treatments that can solve this problem, an innovative technique known as Stretch Camouflage, has arisen to improve and soften this aesthetic deformity.

2- What is stretch mark camouflage?

While the tattoo is performed on the dermis and definitive, and by rotary machine the micropigmentation is done on the epidermis, lasting only 3 to 6 months, and may change the pigment.

3- How does it work?

Stretch camouflage works by performing the microneedle under the white lines of the striae, providing a pigmentation of the exact tone of the person’s skin, and improving both the look and texture of the skin and stretch marks.
It is good to point out, that stretch marks have no cure, so the procedure is one of the treatments for stretch marks. And the result varies from organism to organism, skin type, striate type, and post-client care. However it is necessary to be very careful with the camouflage of stretch marks as it is very difficult to get to the exact skin tone after healing, and it is therefore recommended that the person look for a good professional who is experienced in the technique. When the camouflage is well made, the result presented is real and natural.

4- How many sessions do you need to get a good result?

We can not dictate the number of sessions that the client needs to perform, the camouflage is a treatment and a tattoo. Like any tattoo, it is necessary to perform the touches, especially that, in the case of camouflage stretch marks, we are tattooing a skin does not integrate. Soon, the number of sessions will depend on the type of skin, and the body of the client. What we can say is that in this treatment we can achieve UP TO 80% improvement in the first session, depending on the type of organism.

5. Does the procedure hurt?

The technique is used with needles, the procedure can cause small inconveniences, as in any aesthetic treatment, which are bearable. After the treatment is done, the area becomes reddish and slightly swollen, but do not worry, these effects are temporary.

6. Can you have contact with the sun?

Yes you can. It is necessary to understand that the procedure of camouflage of stretch marks is a tattoo, and therefore it can be exposed to the sun normally. When you do the procedure, you need to stay 90 days (healing process) without sunbathing. The camouflaged skin may tan normally after healing. We perform the pigmentation of the striations with the tone similar to that of your skin, making them almost imperceptible to the eyes. When you tan, your skin tone will change, but the camouflage will remain in the tone we pigmented. Soon, the contrast of your tan skin vs. the pigment of the stretch marks will become much smaller than before camouflaging. When the tan comes out, the tone of your skin will again become even with that of the stretch marks. The sun tans the epirdeme (our first layer of skin). The camouflage pigment is deposited in the dermis (layer below), so it does not suffer color change when exposed to the sun. However, you should respect the healing period of the camouflage for the best results and avoid the risks of infections, swelling and early fading of the pigment. It is mandatory to use sunscreen.
It is important that you correctly follow all the post-treatment and instructions that the professional who will carry out the work you indicate, so that you get total satisfaction of the result.

7- How much does it cost?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to calculate the exact value of stretch mark camouflage because the value varies according to the amount, the extent of the striae present in the treated area, it is necessary to define the location that the technique will be applied, the colors that will be used in its procedure and especially the professional you chose to tattoo. In general, we can say that the value varies between 1,500 to 10,000 reais per session, so it is necessary that you perform a research to find a dermopigmenter (a) that is within your budget.

8- How to choose a good professional to perform the procedure?

When choosing your professional, think of the saying: “The cheap, it’s expensive”. Therefore, it is necessary that you choose a dermopigmentador who will perform your procedure with complete safety and caution. Look for directions from friends or acquaintances who have already performed the procedure, this will help in your choice.
If you do not have no problem, the internet also helps a lot in choosing the professional, look for results before and after, visit the professional’s websites and blogs, read the comments and make your decision. The important thing is to make a live evaluation so that you know both the professional and the procedure.

9- When is it indicated?

The technique is indicated for white streaks, scars and white patches, vitiligo, acromias, and even dark circles. Always taking into account, that is the camouflage is a type of treatment of these aesthetic deformities in order to improve and soften, repairing aesthetically.

10- Contraindications

Some points are important to emphasize, in case the client is prone to have keloid, can not perform the technique. In addition to pregnant, nursing (first year of breastfeeding), serious diseases, among others, that will be reported by the specialist. If the person is tanned, they can not perform the technique because the client has to have the original color of the patient to perform the procedure.

11- Can laser treatment do after the procedure?

However, after performing the camouflage it is not possible for the woman to do a process of removing the striae using the laser, since the pigmentation of the place will disrupt, so it is indicated that the client performs before the procedure, any type of treatment to laser. It is important to note that the woman can no longer remove the laser hairs in the region where the tattoo camouflage was made, because the laser removes the pigment, causing the pigment to fade in the place.

12- Risks of Camouflage.

While being safe and cautious, we can not rule out the possibility of some risks. The technique of camouflage striatum can cause small traumas in a place with the skin does not integrate which can lead in more time in the cicatrisation, infections or even in a scar larger than the estria. In addition, allergic reactions to the paint component used in the procedure may also occur. The choice of a good professional is fundamental, because an improper procedure can cause you to have to resort to laser removal methods, which are painful and expensive. It is therefore essential that you remove all doubts and talk to a specialist before undertaking any application, which will tell you the best treatment for stretch marks.
