Faq Dark camouflage - Fernanda Noyma
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Dark-colored underwear with tattoo
Stretchink Method

The good news is that there is a treatment that softens, much, this discomfort. The Stretchink method by Fernanda Noyma, developed and perfected by the physiotherapist Fernanda Noyma, consists of pigmenting and stimulating the production of collagen fibers by means of microaggregation under the dark circles, improving the color of the place and also the lines of expression.

Frequently Asked Questions

1- What are dark circles?

Dark circles, also known as periorbital hyperpigmentation or periorbital melanosis, are the appearance created by the concentration of blood vessels or melanin under the lower eyelids, below the eyes, which result in a darkened tone in that region, below the eyes.
Dark circles, which insist on not disappearing with creams or with homemade recipes, generate a great annoyance for people. The darker-colored, different-looking area around the eyes can be caused by a variety of reasons, and even for genetic reasons. Dark circles are not a health problem at first, but the discomfort caused by them is enormous.
There are several types of dermatological treatments that promise to eliminate and soften dark circles. Among them are the application of laser, lymphatic drainage, micropigmentation, and camouflage of dark circles.
In order to achieve a lasting result for many years, some people are resorting to under eye camouflage tattooing. Even famous as Gretchen, Thammy Miranda, Viviane Araújo, among others. Camouflage promises a natural and real effect to the client, however, just like any cosmetic procedure, there are risks and some dermatologists do not recommend the method.

2- What is under eye camouflage?

Dark-colored camouflage is an aesthetic-reparative technique, a tattoo the same color as the customer’s skin, in order to soften and slow the development of dark circles. With the treatment it is possible to soften the color of the place, through the pigmentation, and reduce the dependence of makeup and corrective. It is made as a conventional tattoo, using the same machine, needle and type of tattoo ink specifically for camouflage. The main difference is the region, which is more sensitive, vascularized and requires greater care.

3- How does it work?

The treatment has been conquering Brazilians and countries in general, as in the United States and Europe. Dark-colored camouflage is suitable for all skin types. The evaluation is performed by the classification of the types of dark circles, which is done by the professional at the time of the interview. It is necessary to analyze both the pigmentation and the presence of wrinkles or expression lines, among other factors.

4- How many sessions do you need to get a good result?

The number of sessions will depend on the type of skin and the client’s body. Usually four to six sessions are required. It is important to emphasize that we deliver real and natural results for the customer. Dark camouflage is a type of dermatological treatment.
It is good to emphasize that dark circles have no cure, so the procedure is one of the treatments for dark circles. And the result varies from organism to organism, skin type, dark circles, and post-client care.However it is necessary to be very careful with camouflage under dark circles as it is very difficult to get to the exact skin tone after healing, and it is therefore recommended that the person look for a good professional who is experienced in the technique. When the camouflage is well made, the result presented is real and natural.

5. Does the procedure hurt?

The technique is used with needles, the procedure is used with the use of anesthetic in the region that will be made camouflage, making the procedure painless. After the treatment is done, the area becomes reddish and slightly swollen, but do not worry, these effects are temporary.

6. Can you have contact with the sun?

Yes you can. It is necessary to understand that the under eye camouflage procedure is a tattoo, and therefore it can be exposed to the sun normally, always with sunscreen above 50. When you do the procedure, it is necessary to stay 30 days (healing process) without sunbathe. The sun tans the epidermis (our first layer of skin). The camouflage pigment is deposited in the dermis (layer below), so it does not suffer color change when exposed to the sun. However, you should respect the healing period of the camouflage for the best results and avoid the risks of infections, swelling and early fading of the pigment. It is mandatory to use sunscreen.
It is important that you correctly follow all the post-treatment and instructions that the professional who will carry out the work you indicate, so that you get total satisfaction of the result.

7- What period of healing?

The healing period is 30 days, during this period can not be exposed to the sun (swimming pools, beach, among others). During the first few days you can not use makeup on the spot that was performed in the procedure, and do not perform any LASER TREATMENT under the region. It is mandatory to use sunscreen and follow any recommendations of the expert-oriented post-care.

8- How much does it cost?

In general, we can say that the value varies between 400 dollars to 2 thousand dollars, per session, and therefore it is necessary that you carry out a research to find a dermopigmentador (a) that fits neither its budget.

9- How to choose a good professional to perform the procedure?

When choosing your professional, think of the saying: “The cheap, it’s expensive”. Therefore, it is necessary that you choose a dermopigmentador who will perform your procedure with complete safety and caution. Look for directions from friends or acquaintances who have already performed the procedure, this will help in your choice.
If you do not have no problem, the internet also helps a lot in choosing the professional, look for results before and after, visit the professional’s websites and blogs, read the comments and make your decision. The important thing is to make a live evaluation so that you know both the professional and the procedure.

10- When is it indicated?

The technique is indicated for pigmented eye circles, which the specialist will analyze and evaluate. Always taking into account, that is the camouflage is a kind of aesthetic reparative treatment in order to improve and soften, raising customer self-esteem.

11- Contraindications

Some points are important to emphasize, in case the client is prone to have keloid, can not perform the technique. In addition to pregnant, nursing (first year of breastfeeding), serious diseases, among others, that will be reported by the specialist. If the person is tanned, they can not perform the technique because the client has to have the original color of the patient to perform the procedure. Ideally, the client should present himself to the specialist without any type of makeup.

12- Can laser treatment do after the procedure?

However, after carrying out the camouflage it is not possible for the customer to perform a process of removal of dark circles using the laser, since the pigmentation of the site will disturb, so it is indicated that the client performs before the procedure, any type of treatment to laser. It is important to note that the customer will no longer be able to remove the laser hairs in the region where the tattoo camouflage was made, because the laser removes the pigment, causing the fading of the pigment in the place.

13- Risks of Camouflage.

While being safe and cautious, we can not rule out the possibility of some risks. We know that the skin surrounding the area of ​​our eyes is thin, extremely sensitive and contains numerous blood vessels. For this reason, the procedure should be done with great caution and patience, as any abrupt pruning such vines may break. And if this occurs, the chances of an infection and swelling increase and can lead to a change in color, size and texture of the bug, further aggravating the problem. In addition, albeit minimal, there is a possibility that the patient may damage vision or even be blinded by the introduction of particulate matter into the skin near the eyes, which may impact some major artery in vision.
The choice of a good professional is fundamental, because an improper procedure can cause you to have to resort to laser removal methods, which are painful and expensive. It is therefore essential that you remove all doubts and talk to a specialist before undertaking any application, which will indicate the best treatment for stretch marks.
