Regulation - Fernanda Noyma
Tradução Brazil Tradução Inglês Tradução França


Payment of the relevant amount for the course reservation must be made through paypal or Western Union, within fifteen days in advance, in the amount of 10% of the total amount of the course. The remainder of the amount allocated to the course must be paid, in the same way as specified above, up to 05 (five) days prior to the date scheduled for the course, unless otherwise agreed.

If there is a withdrawal from the student, after the payment of the reservation fee, the student loses the amount paid, regardless of the reasons for his / her withdrawal.

If there is a drop-out by the student, after the payment of all the relevant amount to the course or part of it (equal to or greater than 20% of the total pertinent to the course), the student loses half of the amount paid, independently of the grounds for its withdrawal.

In case of withdrawal or any other problem, the communication must be through:

Alternatively, in cases of withdrawal and full payment of the amount pertinent to the course, the student can take the course, within a maximum of 3 months, on another date pre-made available. In case of non-attendance on the new contracted date, the amount paid will not be refunded.

It is not allowed to film the class. It is only possible to use the images provided by the Course itself.

The support material and model for Practice is the responsibility of the course, which, therefore, all students will have access to.
